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Living Life and Having Fun
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Family In Town

Jun 9th @ 6:33am EDT

Good morning everyone-Have family in town, that is why I have not been on. Will return Wednesday!!! You can always follow me on twitter

I am back

May 25th @ 12:54pm EDT

I know that it has been a while, but I am back trying to get back in the game. I have missed a lot of you guys, and I know some of you are no longer here; but I am still thinking about you.I was diagnosed two years ago with an auto-immune disorder that is slowly crippling me. Not sure how much longer I will be able to perform, but I am going to make the best of it. I do not have insurance so I am unable to afford the treatment. I have set a tip target; so any help is always appreciated. Hope to see everyone soon! And the friends that I have seen since I have been back; thank you.

I am only human

Feb 16th @ 6:36pm EST

This website has become less and less fun daily. More and more cruel people showing their faces on here and spending their time insulting me. I spend 94% of my time on here in Free Chat; (according to my statistics) which means I am not making any money. Talking with people; chatting; and trying to somewhat be nice. These members are making it harder and harder each day for me to even attempt to log in on here. I call myself a strong person, and try not let people get to me; but you can only be kicked so many times before it starts to get to you. If I need to know, I suppose I will be on less than usual. I enjoy chatting with all of you; but again, this is a business and not a chat website. Just a little frustrated today with the people that were in my room. Nothing personal. Again; I am a human being with real feelings and yeah it hurts when people say and do the things that they do. I am not a robot from some movie. I am not plugged in at the end of the night to recharge. I eat, sleep and breathe like everyone else. Go ahead and be cruel to me; I can handle it. See you Soon.Z

Thank You All!

Feb 15th @ 12:19pm EST

It has been a great Valentines Week Contest. I wanted to send out and thank you to everyone that sent me Candy Hearts during the week. I am thankful that today is the last day of the contest and we can go back to normal. Regular tips and such. I actually almost won a contest on Valentines Day for being in the top 100. But by the time I got home from work I was 122; even though some people told me they were going to do something while I was at work and didn't; but I won't name any names. I still love ya. And I forgive ya. Tomorrow starts a new week and I looked; its filled with lovely Contest. I can understand the Mardi Gras one, but a Chinese New Year One? I think they are just making these up as they go along. We are suppose to get a lovely ice storm, not a major one starting tonight. Which means everyone in this city is going to be going bat shit crazy at the store. So I will not be going to the grocery store today. I will just stock up on my beer and smokes. I can survive on that, LOL. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Mine starts today, so I am going to be enjoying it. Talk to everyone soon.HugsZack

Valentines Week Contest - You and Me!

Feb 9th @ 6:29am EST

Well it is not just a contest day, but a contest week. Lots of prizes being given away to models on here, so any help is greatly appreciated. Buying candy hearts is what I need the most. The cost of the hearts are 40 credits for VIP Members and 50 Credits for non vip members. I know that some of you can't participate, which is totally understandable. You know that I don't beg on here. So if you can't don't worry about it. You know that I still love ya just the same. It looks like there is a contest for members as well. During this special competition, customers will have the opportunity to win $500 in free credits by collecting valentines from models. The top 2 customers will win. So don't worry; I will be sending out hearts to anyone who purchases candy for me, takes me private or becomes a member of my fan club. Let's make this week fun. I would really like to see one of my members win that frequent my room. Any member that purchases a candy heart for me this week will be allowed to submit and offer of a private show for 25cpm; no matter what my current rate is when I am logged in.Can't wait to see everyone and how this competition plays out for you guys. See ya soon.Love YaZ

Midol Anyone?

Feb 1st @ 9:41am EST

Good grief. All I can say was Chris was in a mood last night. I think it was his time of the month or something because I haven't seen him act that pissy in a long time. All because someone in the room said he looked tired last night. I knew the guy didn't mean it in a bad way, I think he was just pointing out that fact that maybe Chris was tired. That is when the shit hit the fan, He got mad at me because I didn't eject him from the room. Well, to keep the peace around here; I ended up ejecting the poor guy from the room. I really hated doing that, but hey - I have to live with Chris so I am going to do what is best for me. So dude, I am sorry. No hard feelings and I am sure Chris won't even remember that you even said it. It looks like today is going to be a huge contest. The top 3 male models will each win $1000 so let me just go ahead and bow out gracefully. It would take a miracle for me to win that. Hell, I can barely qualify for a random draw contest when they have those. Gross rainy cold day here today. Looks like I am spending my day indoors and stay dry and warm. Oh yeah, today is the super bowl? I honestly don't know what is so Super about it, except for the Ticket Prices and the cost of having a commercial. Oh well. Hope your favorite team wins. Z

Yes you can schedule

Jan 25th @ 1:21pm EST

Yes I know that it has been a while since I have blogged. I really try to remember to do it but I completely forget sometimes. Some of you may have seen that Chris and I were online this morning on our duo account, which is almost unheard of first thing in the morning. But someone scheduled it so we got on just long enough to do that show; so don't be afraid to email us and schedule a time for us to get on if we are not normally on. If we can accommodate it we will definitely try. Been a few days since I have pumped to. I really need to start back up again, because I was seeing some changes in my cock. Which is pretty damn cool if you ask me. Nothing really exciting been going on around here lately. The weather has been crazy; temperatures up and down all the time. Never know whether or not to wear shorts or bundle up in a coat and scarf. Who the hell am I kidding? I don't hardly leave the house since I am not working. Well it is Sunday and the sun is out here. A little cool today but not terribly cold. So I am not complaining. Today of course is another contest day. I will be on and off all day today. Hope to see you guys around.Z

What a Saturday Night!

Jan 18th @ 1:29pm EST

Well it looks like we are going to have another wonderful day here. Just got back from the store and it is great outside, I should be out enjoying it, but the wind is a little much today to even just hang around in the back yard. I can just see myself getting an ear infection from the wind, and I would rather not suffer through that pain and agony. I will start back on the CPC on tomorrow. Had to give my cock a break for a few days using it. It had gotten a little sore, so I thought I better lay off. Chris was in a strange mood last night. He made me put on a thong, and lay face down on the bed. He said, I am not going to fuck you. I just want to cum all over your ass while you lay there in the thong. So he just sat on the backs of my legs and began jerking. It startled me when I felt his cum hit my ass, because it was like a damn fountain. So needless to say, it was fucking hot in more ways than one. Of course he uses his hand to wipe it up, and puts it in my face and says, "now eat it". Of course I did. I know you didn't even have to ask.

Perfect Weather.

Jan 17th @ 12:47pm EST

Well today is Saturday and the temperature here is almost heaven. An awesome sixty one degrees and plenty of sunshine. So, why in the hell am I blogging and not out enjoying this weather. A very good question, so if someone could answer it for me I would greatly appreciate that. Some of you have noticed that I am online more now than I was, well that's because this is the only job I have right now so I am working extra hard on here to make sure that the bills still get paid while I am looking for full time employment. Remember I have yet to be on here a year so I am still a newbie to the site compared to some of the other models on here. I don't plan on going anywhere for some time, so don't think you are going to be able to get rid of me that easy. I have way too much fun on here with guys to just stop doing this, even if I only get on a couple times a week, you guys make it worth it. Hopefully Chris and I will be on our duo account tonight. If not, I know Chris will be on his to entertain you. I guess I should get back to cleaning up the house some, who am I kidding. Chris is doing that. I am just going to stay out of the way for now. It's safer that way.Hugs and KissesZ

Fighting a cold

Jan 16th @ 6:39am EST

Thank god it is Friday. I haven't blogged in a couple of days as someone of you can tell. I haven't felt terribly good this week. Been fighting off this cold and have been sleeping on and off most of the days lately. I think yesterday I got on line for a total of one hour which is not like me. When I don't feel good enough to jack off then you know I must really be sick.I even had to put the CPC on hold because I didn't feel like doing it either. I seem to be feeling better today, just a little stuffy in head the slight cough every now then, but I don't feel as drained of energy has I have the past few days. I think at one point on here I was just moody when I was online. Let's just say I am not the best patient when it comes to being sick. Once I get woken up good this morning I will be online as usual.Finally we getting out of these 30 degree temps and it is going to be 50 and sunny today through the weekend. That is almost shorts and tshirt weather compared to the way it has been. No wonder I am sick, I will probably get worse now before I get better. Crazy weather. See you guys soon.Z

Day 9 CPC ???

Jan 13th @ 5:53am EST

As you can tell I forgot to blog yesterday. I was too busy chatting on here with you guys so I got a little preoccupied. I think today is day 9 of the CPC, I think I lost count so I will have to go read some of the blogs to catch up on where I am at with this whole thing. I did upload a video to my fan club page, available free to Fan Club members. I think the video is like six minutes long, maybe a little more than that. I will have to double check. Anyone that joins my fan club during the month of January will get an additional thirty days for free. So jet me a message if you join, I will try to watch for it daily. But I do get a little scatter brained sometimes so I might forget. Just remind me and I will give you the additional days.Well it looks like the temperature is climbing. We should be back in the fifties this weekend. Good, I am so sick of this cold rainy weather that we have been having. I am shocked that I don't have the flu yet. But I guess I would have to leave the house to catch the flu. Oh well. Guess it is time to take a shower and get some things done around the house. Who am I kidding, I will probably be logging on soon.Have a good one.Z

Day 7 CPC - Maybe tomorrow

Jan 11th @ 10:56am EST

So for day six of the CPC, I got a little help last night from Chris after we got off line. He pumped me for a little bit and then I pumped him. That was extremely fun. A lot better than just sitting around and pumping by myself. So hopefully we will do that again soon. I thought I was going to upload the video this weekend to the Fan Club but I am going to wait and do it tomorrow. I mean I could do it today but really not up to it right now, I might later. We had an awesome time last night online, met some new people and of course the assholes came out of the woodwork and started being mean. I am really not sure what the point is in being mean to the models on here. I mean, is it getting these people off or something? Well if it is, they should be tipping to be assholes. I didn't lose any sleep over it that is for sure. But was just something that I was wondering about this morning.Well I am about to hop on line for a bit, so I guess I will see some of you on here and if I don't see you today, hope you guys had a great weekend and enjoy your Sunday.Hugs and KissesZ

Day 6 CPC - But really Day 5

Jan 10th @ 9:43am EST

Today will be day six of the CPC, and of course I had to break yesterday so technically today is going to be day five. But honestly who is really counting and I doubt many of you read this blog anyways. I think I am going to be uploading a ten minute video available to Fan Club Members only; so if you haven't joined yet, make sure you do. I will be uploading it over the weekend. I did do some research and found that I need to take a hot towel to my cock before I start the work out. I guess it is suppose to relax the cock and prevent injury to it. Which sounds like a good plan to me, I really don't want to be out of commission because I injured my cock. I like playing with it too much. I did receive another gift in the mail yesterday from my wish list, I do want to thank the person that sent it to me, which I will not say their name out of privacy. Now I have the black jock strap, which I have yet to try on. But I think everyone looks better in black. Another cold day here, so I will be staying inside where it is warm and hopefully my balls will descend from my body at some point. I guess they know where it is warm. See you guys soon.Z

Day 5 CPC - A Day of Rest

Jan 9th @ 8:58am EST

Ok, so I was able to use the pump yesterday for day four, but there is absolutely no way that I can use it today. My dick is so sore right now. Not too painful to jack off or fuck, but defiantly can not use the pump today, so I will let my dick take a rest. I am seeing some results though, it is a bit thicker when I get hard than it used to be. Which is really the only reason that I am doing this. I like the length of my dick, so want it thicker. I can actually see this thing working to make it thicker, but not sure about making it longer. I will just have to wait and see.It is warmer here today, than it was yesterday. Not by much, but I can tell a difference some. I am not in agony when I go outside. But still cold enough to keep my balls up inside me. I am ready for spring, but that just means summer will be here before I know it and I will be bitching about how hot it is. I am never happy when it comes to the weather. It's either too damn hot or too damn cold. There is never a happy medium. Time for me to take a shower and get my day started. See you guys soon.Z

Day 4 CPC

Jan 8th @ 6:13am EST

You definitely start seeing results on the third day even several hours after you have pumped. It was quite interesting to see. Today is going to be day four, but I may have to take a break from it today. I am a little sore from using it. Might need to pace myself. I mean, Rome wasn't built in a day. I have been trying to find some material online to see if there are specifics on how often you should pump and for how long. So if any of you have any ideas or any stories to share, please email them to me. I am interested in know. It was hard to get up this morning, knowing that temperature was 13 with a wind chill of -2; today would have been a great day to call into work and just stay in the damn bed. But the bills don't get paid that way I suppose. This would have been a good time to get cold if it was Sunday morning; which means I would have been off today and would not have had to get up and venture out in this damn frigid weather. If its cold where you are at, hope you stay safe and warm. And if it is sunny and warm where you are at, you make me sick. LOL. See you guys soon.Z

Cock Pump Challenge

Jan 6th @ 7:13am EST

Since I got a cock pump for Christmas from a fan on here, I guess I am going to see if this thing really works. My goal is to try to at least use it once a day for the next six months to see if there is any truth to these gadgets or if this thing is just a gimmick to get people to buy them. I used it yesterday and for the first time on Sunday, there is actually a video of the first time. I will say the thing felt good, especially after I put the batteries in the vibrating piece that it came with. I haven't figured out how long you are suppose to use it daily to see the best results in it. So if anyone knows, please send me a message on here. If you have a pump and want to pump together, we can always cam 2 cam in private. Now that would be kind of cool. It would be like having a work out buddy at the gym, but we would be working out another muscle instead. Sounds hot actually. I will keep you guys updated on here with the progress, or lack there of if I don't see any results at all. Until there is more to write about. See you guys soon!Z


Jan 5th @ 6:32am EST

Well we are into our first week of 2015 and I am glad to say that the holiday season is over with. Now maybe the restaurant will go back to being somewhat normal and not so crazy busy all of the time. I want to thank everyone for a great 2014 and all of the gifts from my wish list. I have updated it so that things are not duplicated. Now it's time to start saving for my vacation in March. Planning on getting out of this city for awhile and go spend some time just a little further south from here. Not much further south, but hopefully enough that the temperature won't be too terribly cold. Trust me, I would rather be going to Miami, but I would have to save just a little longer. Hopefully this summer. I see a beach in my future. I hope that everyone has a great week this week, and I will be back on during my regular times since we seem to be back to normal and don't have crazy hours again until next November. 2015 is going to be a great year and hope I get to share it with all of you. Thanks again for stopping by and saying hello, whether or not you tip or take me private. See you guys soon.Hugs and KissesZack

Time Flies

Dec 22nd @ 6:06am EST

I cannot believe that it is almost Christmas. This year has completely gone by way too fast. It is funny how so much can change in one year. I started doing this just this year in March and still going strong and having fun with you guys. It has been cool sharing my life with you and you getting to see first hand of the things that I have gone through. What in the world is going to happen next year? I guess only time will tell and hopefully you will be here to experience that as well. I have met some great people on here and we have had a lot of fun. I have found new fetishes and I swear I never thought I would be able to take the dildos that I have taken up my ass. But you guys believed in me LOL. Only a week and a half left of 2014 and then we move on to new and exciting things in 2015. I am sure it is going to be an exciting year, as long as you guys stick around and make it one. I am thankful for meeting all of you and can't wait to meet new people on here in the coming year. Planning a vacation to New Orleans in March. Time to get away and have just a little bit of fun outside of this area. Hugs and kisses guysSee you all real soon.

Rough Sex!

Nov 17th @ 2:34pm EST

Well we got some more snow last night. Of course it wasn't much of anything but it is still snow and out of the ordinary for us to get it this time of year. I think I need to move further south because I was not made for these kinds of temperatures. But I bought some new flannel sheets yesterday to keep me and Chris nice and warm at night.We took the new sheets for a test drive last night too. Man, Chris tore me up. He acted like he hadn't had some ass in years. Busted in me, then kept going. Said I am not done with you yet. I have another load I want to give you.He was very dominant last night. Had me riding him reverse cowboy; and finger his ass while he fucked me. It was so fucking hot. I am ready for another night like that again. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to cum the first time since he had just came in a private show on his solo account. So three times in an hour seems pretty damn good to me. I don't even know if I could pull that one off. Now there is something for me to try. See you guys soon.

Cold! Cold! Cold!

Nov 14th @ 6:00am EST

Nothing like getting up this morning and it is 20 degrees outside. I think we are in for a really cold winter this year. I think last year was a mild one, so I am sure we are due for a nice cold and icy winter. By the way, we rarely get snow here. We get ice. And when we do, the city about shuts down, you can't find food in the grocery stores because these idiots think they are going to be trapped in their house for months, and won't have any food at all to eat. Yesterday we had that light dusting of snow early in the morning, not enough to even stick or coat the ground, but enough to make the drivers in this city forget how to drive. There were so many wrecks yesterday due to the so called snow that we got. A couple of them were even fatality crashes. And the sad thing was, I wasn't even shocked about the whole thing. Other than that, it has been quiet around here. Nothing too exciting going on except for work and more work. Business is starting to pick up more and a lot of parties are being booked for the month of December. I will try not to go missing in action during that month. Again, thanks to everyone for the viewer's choice votes. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Hope you guys have a fantastic Friday. Hugs and Booty BumpsZack

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